make a programmable rgb led infinity mirror with arduino

by:MKS     2020-03-03
This structure shows you how to make a frame
Reflect the separately programmed RGB led to the way mirror in the mirror.
This creates the illusion of an infinite tunnel with an on/off power switch inside.
I want to do this but it looks scary!
I started the project without knowing anything about electronics.
I do have some simple coding experience, but you can copy/paste the code to get the effect you see above.
I am also very bad in welding, afraid to burn myself, so don\'t let my long instructions overwhelm you-there are too many resources and references online!
Basically, I am very fascinated by the charming lights and am willing to spend some extra money to get my brain hurt a bit in order to share rad stuff with others-it\'s worth it.
Is there a simpler or different way to do this? Yes!
Remote control led (no Arduino)
Completely out of control (\"non-addressable\")
, Or manually controlled with a potentiometer on the breadboard.
Not that-
Mirror, you can replace it with plexiglass or acrylic with a window tone.
Or you can put the same infinite reflection in the frame.
What is the specifics/uniqueness of this infinite mirrorothers?
Tools * these are unnecessary, but they can help build and assemble the framework.
I negotiated the price of the frame with the frame store in order to be able to use their space, tools and materials and get help with this step.
The size of the material mirror will define the length of the LED strip that affects the number of amps in the power supply (A)
And capacitor farads (uF)you\'ll need.
Led and power will also become expensive.
You can play size here: Blessed By LED God, found a 25x35 size at a thrift store for $14, after that, a local glass shop quoted me for $174.
A cheap option is organic glass and-Mirror tone.
I got a 24x30 mirror free of charge from a local frame shop and because of the same thing, a local glass shop quoted me $68.
I paid $140 for the construction, materials and assembly of the frame and $5 for the painting of the hardware store.
The framework includes molding (4 sides)
, Flat ankle bracket for fixing wood spacers vinyl tape for mirrors, LED strips and arduino capacitors, plywood, screws, etc.
If you want to hang a mirror (
Note: This will be heavy)
, You need two steel hangers and a steel cable with an end loop selection to get these, I purchased the Arduino budget pack ($35)
So before going into LED light bars, variable length wires with connectors, etc, I can also take some time to try and get a better idea of the circuit.
This is not necessary-I would like to be able to turn the light on/off from this switch instead of plugging the power into/into the wall.
Be sure to explore different suppliers of electronics and check your needs.
Sparkfun has the smoothest interface and user experience.
Adafruit has the most powerful product search capabilities.
Products from Ebay, AliExpress and other stores are almost or cheaper. . .
I ended up choosing Adafruit because: Don\'t damage your led!
These articles helped me avoid this error: 1.
Cut the LED light strip to the length you want.
Since my mirror is 24x30 \", I need (2 x 24\")+ (2 x 30\")=108\" or 2.
75 metres.
Along this line, you can see the solid straight line with the scissors symbol next to it-you can cut any line with scissors. 2.
Connect the capacitor to the terminal block.
This step protects the LED light strip from the sudden influx of current (source).
Positive Connection (longer)
The lead of the capacitor to the positive end and negative of the green terminal block (shorter)
The lead of the capacitor to the negative side of the green terminal block.
The negative lead is also indicated by the light blue strip on the side of the capacitor, which has a large \"-\" symbol. 3.
Connect the ground between Arduino, LED strip and power supply.
This includes two connections.
I use a jumper with a connector to connect the ground pin of the Arduino (
Next to the 5v pin of Arduino)
To the reverse side of the terminal.
The other connection is made up of two parts:)
The tail line of the female jst sm is-
The line power cord connector welded to the LED light strip ground.
Attached is a photo of my very DIY welding unit, but there is also a sample video here.
Make sure the arrow of the LED strip points away from this wire. B)
Jumper ends in the corresponding head pin of the connector mentioned in 2A, and the other end of the negative side of the green terminal block. 4. Connect +5V.
I welded a jumper in the 5v section of the LED light strip (
Again, the arrow of the LED strip should point to a place far from this line)
, Connect the other end to the positive part of the green terminal block. 5. Connect data.
I\'m JST SM, the welded tail silk woman-
Din line power cord connector for LED light strip.
I then put one end of the jumper into the corresponding head pin of the connector and the other end into the positive part of the green terminal block. 6. Add power.
Plug the USB cable into the USB port of the Arduino and computer. Plug in the in-
The line power switch and the power supply enter the Green terminal block DC adapter and enter the wall socket.
The Arduino \"ON\" LED should light up! Exciting.
Now, if we want the LEDs to light up, we need to get some code on the Arduino. . . Test your leds1.
Install the Arduino Software.
Go into this app where you will make the code, check the error and upload it to Arduino: add NeoPixel library for Adafruit.
Click the green \"clone or download\" button on the right.
Click Download ZIP \". 3.
Follow the instructions.
From this tutorial, I tested my circuit as per the video instructions (
Ignore the one in the video)
And stripe: but try to adjust the NUMPIXELS value according to the number of pixels on the Strip, change the color, and try to turn off the lights the same way to get some concepts like: when the TX and RX LEDs light up on the board, TX means transferring data from Arduino to the computer and RX means Arduino receives data from the computer. Rad!
Uploading fancy code I decided to use rainbow loop code from here: how can I make it beautiful without a computer?
The frame is made of two pieces of wood and is secured together with pocket screws.
The specific contents are as follows: 1.
Paint the frame and space. Insert the one-way mirror.
Wipe it with window cleaner and microfibre towel.
Set up wooden spacers on one top using wood glueway mirror. 5.
Secure the LED strip along the frame with double stick tape. 6.
Use the wood glue again to set more spacers on the top of the LED strip. 7.
Put the mirror on it. 8.
Place a piece of plywood on the mirror and fix it with a 90 ° curved ankle bracket. 9.
Wooden shims glued to plywood, offset clips screwed in with rubber bumpers and non-screwed in with black vinyl tape
The ankle brace is bent. 10.
Put the second piece of plywood into the frame.
Now the Arduino is running the rainbow loop and this is what I copied/pasted from others.
Some other cool options might be: Thank you for reading!
I did my best to make this note as clear as possible, so if this is not the case, too simplistic, or wrong, please leave me a message below!
Thanks to friends, friends of friends, local shopkeepers, Youtube video producers, various article authors, other guides, Adafruit customer support, Sparkfun, LED lighting Cottage, Fritzing, the arduino guys helped me with this project.
It\'s really impossible without all the support I \'ve received and free resources online!
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