Networking is not simply connecting up a few computers

by:MKS     2020-07-12
Network software may be the part of the operating system such as Windows 7 or XP or it can be special software for managing a network. Connecting cords used in networking Computer cords are also used in Network cards. These are usually used to connect devices, although some networks make use of radio or microwaves to provide the link. Cords vary in both performance and cost. Connectors are used to connect network wires to terminal or other devices. To use a PC as a terminal on a network, it is necessary to include a device called a network card inside the computer. The network card looks like a small circuit board and slots into one of the connectors on the main circuit board inside the computer which is commonly known as a motherboard. Data Transmission and Communication Links in a Network Terminals are required to talk or communicate with each other. For this purpose, a communication link needs to be there. These links are not necessarily just wires. That is why you cannot always see them or touch them that make them intangible. They can be infrared signals or radio wave signals. In this case the data are sent between the terminals as a series of pulses of infrared waves or radio waves. Data are transmitted as signals and these signals could be electrical or light signals; with the signals carried on waves. The medium of communication or the material that carries the signal passes on its journey from one computer to another, and this is called transmission medium. Data can be transmitted via metal cables (such as telephone wires or coaxial cables) or fiber optic cables made up of thin strands of glass. Where there is a huge distance between the sending and receiving end, it is not always possible to lay a cable. Even if it is possible; it would be really very expensive. In this scenario the need of some other special medium arises and that is called wireless media. Dependence of network speed on cabling Different types of cabling also influence the speed, with fiber optic cables being much faster than metal wire cables. Fiber optic cable is prefers because it do not suffer from interference like metal cables. Metal Cable media consists of metal wires mostly comprising of copper. Through this medium data is transferred in the form of a varying current. When the cost of installation is determined; it is observed that the wire is the cheapest and the fiber optic cable is the most expensive one. The computer cable we use on day to day basis almost everywhere are USB cables, fire wire cables for IEEE (Network) connections and STATA. USB cables also come in different varieties like mini USB cables, micro USB cables. USB cables are the most common connection used for connecting devices to computers. It plugs everything from your, iPods, digital cameras, mobile phones, LCDs, TV, camcorders, printers or many other devices into your computer. FireWire is most commonly used with audio and video equipment such as camcorders, digital cameras, or other portable devices because of its very fast transmission speeds. The latest version of FireWire can transmit data at speeds of up to 800Mbps. There are different types of FireWire connections: 4Pin, 6Pin and 9Pin. SATA or serial ATA cables are used to transfer data from hard drives or optical drives inside your computer. These cables can transfer data at up to 150Mbps.
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